11 marzo 2010


Where are the hopes, where are the dreams?
My Cinderella story scene
When do you think they´ll finally see…

…That you´re not not not gonna get any better
You won´t won´t won´t you won´t get rid of me never
Like it or not, even though she´s a lot like me
We´re not the same
And yeah yeah yeah I´m a lot to handle
You don´t know trouble, I´m a hell of a scandal
Me, I´m a scene, I´m a drama queen
I´m the best damn thing that your eyes have ever seen!

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Odi et amo. Quare id faciam, fortasse requiris.
Nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior.
Odio e amo. Forse mi chiedi come io faccia.
Non lo so, ma sento che ciò accade, e mi tortura.

- Catullo

Ὲρέω τε δηὖτε κοὐκ ἐρέω,
καὶ μαίνομαι κοὐ μαίνομαι.
Amo e non amo,
sono pazzo e non sono pazzo.
- Anacreonte


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